4.4 ( 3814 ratings )
ビジネス 辞書/辞典/その他
開発者 OMelveny & Myers LLP

The user-friendly app serves as a comprehensive, convenient reference guide for OMelvenys clients and friends and includes four key features.

The first two tabs in the FCPA App directly link to two of OMelvenys well-known handbooks: OMelvenys FCPA Handbook, which offers an introduction to the law as well as a thorough analysis of the FCPA covering all recent cases and settlements, as well as OMelvenys "In-House Counsels Guide to Conducting Internal Investigations," which is a brief, practical guide designed to inform in-house counsel about the key issues that arise when facing a typical internal investigation.

Tab three is divided into five resource sections that serve as an interactive, illustrative directory for users. The expandable sections are: "Statutes," "OMelveny Authored Client Alerts," "Enforcement Actions," "Links to FCPA-related Web sites", and "DOJ Opinion Releases."

Tab four features an index of OMelvenys leading FCPA practitioners.